Thursday, September 29, 2011

Brave New Cyberworld

i am happy to report that All My Children and One Life to Live will become the first two television shows to move fully from TV to the internet. This of course brings up a lot of interesting questions. Is TV going to be completely replaced by Web-based programs? Will non-tech savvy soap fans be deprived of their soaps, or will they be dragged kicking and screaming into the computer age? Will computer screens ever be as inviting and familiar as the TV set?

Television doesn't just provide entertainment. Our whole way of life is changing. From how we get our news, to how we shop. We basically have to adapt or be left behind. it may seem to some an impossible task, but we've done it all before. Its a pattern we keep repeating successfully. Movie theaters, Radio, and television itself each altered the way we see the world and how we operate within it.

It may take a period of adjustment, but it will all be worth it. Technology has its draw backs, but I strongly believe society is always better off when new media comes along.


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