Wednesday, June 29, 2011

soap scum revisited

just a quick update on my May blog. Since then, The Globe, The Wall Street Journal and CNN iReport have all reported about angry soap fans and The Save Our Soaps movement. I have more hope now we will win this fight than ever before, but we have a lot of work to do. All My Children and One Life to Live are still on the chopping block for now. ABC is even blatantly promoting AMC's replacement, The Chew, during AMC. Go to for more information on the SOS cause and how you can help.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Taxing question

i am so tired of the republican party sounding like raising taxing on the rich is evil. I think our little experiment called America will literally end if we insist on never raising taxes on anyone ever. I distinctly remember the Bush tax cuts specifically designed to end. Even Bush was fine with that. Since when did we decide it was immoral to make rich people pay their fair share? Taxes were raised under Reagan and Bush senior. What has changed? Oh wait, I know, an evil black Hawaiian became president. that's the only difference i can see.

I know some people will be upset with that, but how else do you explain it? The deficit/ Didn't we have one of those in the eighties, when taxes went up? Whatever the reason, we have only three options. Raise taxes on the rich, cut the budget, or both. If you only cut the budget, healthcare is most of the deficit. Can you honestly say Medicare is off the table? oh wait, the republican plan already gets rid of it, but at least rich people won't pay more taxes. Assuming they still exist after that.
